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Announcing our 2024 Raffle winners

The Pendleton Blanket: R Herrera
Refresh Your Spirits: J Hayes
Children's Reading Bundle: A Reyes
Pinata Celebration Package: K Stearns

Thank you to all who supported our event!


Community Celebration begins at
10am-8pm Saturday, November 2, 2024
MetraPark Expo Center
Free Admission

Ways to Participate


  • Ofrenda / Public Altar: You are invited to bring a copy of your departed loved one(s)’s photo (sizes up to 8x10) to place on the altar. We cannot expect responsibility for any special photos or frames so please bring a copy of any photo you’d like to display, and we’ll have frames for use or to decorate.

  • Face Paint and Costume Contests: we welcome anyone interested to show off your painted faces and costume creations. (Face painting will be available on site.) Judges will consider those with the best theme related face paint and costumes. YouTube has several videos that can help with Day of the Dead themed ideas.

  • Pop-Up Cemetery: There will be a limited number of 18” x 24” plots available for first come first serve use by individuals and families who would like to decorate an 18” x 24” cardboard base with items representative of your beloved, flowers, and photos, and to remember your dearly departed.

  • Procession: This year’s procession will take place in the Expo Center to ensure that all are able to join in or watch the procession in a comfortable environment. This is a non-motorized walk around the venue with areas for observers to view the costumes, and spirits remembered with photos. Line-up will take place at the stage area.

  • Photo Stand: Take a self-portrait or gather your family and friends for a group photo at our festive booth.

  • Family Activities include making paper flowers, event related coloring sheets for display, headbands, pipe cleaner skeletons, and decorating bow ties, sugar skulls, and more.

  • Family games: Mexican board games, and Day of the Dead themed field games will be available for all ages to enjoy.

Formas de participar


  • Ofrenda / Altar público: Le invitamos a traer una copia de la fotografía de su ser querido fallecido (tamaños hasta 8x10) para colocarla en el altar. No podemos esperar responsabilidad por ninguna foto o marco especial, así que traiga una copia de cualquier foto que desee mostrar y tendremos marcos para usar o decorar.

  • Concursos de pintura facial y disfraces: damos la bienvenida a cualquier persona interesada a mostrar sus caras pintadas y sus creaciones de disfraces. (Habrá pintura facial disponible en el sitio). Los jueces considerarán aquellos que tengan la mejor pintura facial y disfraces relacionados con el tema. YouTube tiene varios videos que pueden ayudar con ideas temáticas del Día de Muertos.

  • Cementerio temporario: Habrá un número limitado de parcelas de 18” x 24” disponibles para uso por orden de llegada de personas y familias que deseen decorar una base de cartón de 18” x 24” con artículos representativos de sus amadas flores. , y fotografías, y para recordar a su querido difunto.

  • Procesión: La procesión de este año se llevará a cabo en el Centro de Exposiciones para garantizar que todos puedan unirse o ver la procesión en un ambiente cómodo. Se trata de un paseo no motorizado por el recinto con zonas para que los observadores puedan contemplar los disfraces y los espíritus recordados con fotografías. El cartel se realizará en la zona del escenario.

  • Fotomatón: Tome un autorretrato o reúna a su familia y amigos para una foto grupal en nuestro stand festivo.

  • Las actividades familiares incluyen hacer flores de papel, hojas para colorear relacionadas con eventos para exhibir, cintas para la cabeza, esqueletos de limpiapipas y decorar pajaritas, calaveras de azúcar y más.

  • Juegos familiares: juegos de mesa mexicanos y juegos de campo con temática del Día de Muertos estarán disponibles para que disfruten todas las edades.

Colorful Masks
Colorful Masks

Community Celebration
10am-8pm Sat. Nov. 2, 2024
MetraPark Expo Center

Free Admission

Ofrenda / Public Altar

11am - 8pm


Visitors are invited to bring a copy of a photograph of your beloved departed to place on the public altar. [Please do not leave valuable items on the altar as we are not responsible for such items.] 


Pop-Up Cemetery

10am - 8pm

Visitors are welcome to decorate a 18' x 24' cardboard "plot"

to reflect a beloved departed. This is offered on a first come, first serve basis.  


Photo Stand

10am - 8pm

You're invited to strike a pose and snap a photo at our event photo stand. For the ultimate results, feel free to come with your face painted, and in costume for the celebration. 


Family Activities
11am - 8pm

Coloring sheets & display, paper flower making, headdress making, bow tie decorating, sugar skull decorating, making pipe cleaner skeletons, and more. 

Family Games
11am - 8pm
Day of the Dead board games, and field games

Face Paint & Costume Contests
 2pm Children's (up to 12 years) contest
2:15pm Youth's (up to 17 years) contest
2:30pm Adult's (18+ years) contest

We welcome all to show their personal touch in face painting and costume creativity. Face painting will be available on-site. 



3:00pm Check-in at stage area begins

3:30pm Processions begins


Messages to the Spirits & Flame

10am - 6pm

Visitors are invited to write messages to the spirits


Messages are set aflame to travel with the spirits



Ofrenda Tour

4-8pm Friday, Nov. 1st

  • Barjon's, 223 N. 29th St.*

  • Global Village, 2815 2nd Ave. N.*

  • House of Books, 116 N. 29th St.*

  • Yellowstone Art Museum, 401 N 27th St.*


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PO Box 1114

Billings, MT 59103

(406) 690.2967 cell

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